Gorgeous Wedding Lighting: The Chandelier

The lighting has a lot to do with the mood of a wedding reception. While you could go with some standard tea lights on the tables or the lighting that’s already at the wedding reception venue, why not have something more romantic? That’s right, we’re talking about wedding chandeliers! Chandeliers are some of the most […]

The lighting has a lot to do with the mood of a wedding reception. While you could go with some standard tea lights on the tables or the lighting that’s already at the wedding reception venue, why not have something more romantic? That’s right, we’re talking about wedding chandeliers!

Image via Lisa Poggi

Chandeliers are some of the most romantic forms of lighting. You could go with something classic and traditional like the chandelier above.

Image via Tim Willoughby

If you’re having an outdoor wedding that’s chock full of flowers, why not make a chandelier out of colorful petals and leaves?

Image via Duke Photography

DIY Mavens and brides on a budget rejoice! You can still fill your wedding reception with homemade chandeliers using twinkle lights.

What romantic mood lighting will you choose for your wedding?