Your provider of the best and most unique Wedding Favors wanted to share with you this story of a wedding. Thanks goes to Peter Dutton, for sharing his personal story.
We loved our wedding. Sue and I spent the first day of our honeymoon (and many times since) congratulating each other on how well we planned it (in only six months!) and on what a good time everyone had. And this is not because our wedding went perfectly smoothly. Far from it! Witness this chronological and partial list of mishaps:
While Friday was beautiful, and Sunday was beautiful, it poured all day Saturday. We have a newspaper article to back us up on this one.
The inn where we had the reception lost the table cards we had spent much time writing up. Luckily, we had extra blank cards, and we had bridesmaids and friends rewrite them before dinner (thanks JoAnne, Roxie, Jenny, and the 'maids!).
The inn also lost Sue's great-grandmother's antique silver cake knife, which was in the same box as the cards. It mysteriously turned up, along with the cards, at the inn a few months later...
The jazz quartet blew a keyboard amp within the first few minutes of starting. The piano at the inn was completely out of tune, and so we were left with a trio.