So many brides focus on losing weight for their wedding. They want to fit into a small wedding dress and want to impress all the people they know as they step out into the aisle. But there’s one area that a lot of brides forget: their arms.
Whether you’re wearing a strapless wedding gown or something with short sleeves, your arms are likely going to be seen by your guests. If you want to impress your guests with your lean, muscular arms, then try one of these fitness challenges that focus on the upper body.
The 30 Day Plank Challenge. If you don’t have much experience with upper body workouts, start with the 30 Day Plank Challenge. A plank is the beginning move of a push-up, but rather than lowering to the ground, you stay in that upright position and hold. At the beginning of the challenge, you start with a 20-second plank. After 30 days, you should be able to do a 300-second plank and your arms will be much stronger for it!
- The 100 Push-Up Challenge. When you want an even tougher challenge, try the 100 Push-Up Challenge. You could start with this tough workout or move onto this one after you do the plank challenge. It all depends on if you have enough time before the wedding. Start this one at least 6 weeks before the big day so you can get buff in time.
- The 30 Day Arm Challenge. Unlike the other two challenges, this one features several different exercises to get your upper body all-around fit. You’ll use the 30 days to work on tricep dips, push-ups and mountain climbers. Don’t worry, you get a few rest days throughout the month so you can recover.
Whether you do just one of these challenges or start months ahead and do all three, you’re going to have some impressive guns once you walk down the aisle. Other women may even ask you advice about how you got such strong arms!